Poser Artist Y-Phil
I really like the vividness of the colors in this image. Also, the skin tones. What were your render settings for this figure?
Y-Phil: Zelma's scene, as very often these last months, is lit by two elements:
- one area light from behind, often used with a Blackboy, temperature: 5200
- plus one cylinder, emitting light (got inspired by a thread here), this one has its temperature @ 5400
This setup is a classic one for my portraits, even though from time to time I use two or three cylinders instead of area lights, as the mat lets me control the distance to which the light has an effect, something that's controllable with spots and point lights. The final render has been done using Poser's "OptiX Ultra Caustics" mode. With my 4070 it's fast.
It kind of suggested a woman walking towards the camera, with a calm but determined expression, and always sexy in my case. Her hair posed this way, increases the fact that she walks.
What is your background as a Poser creator? What got you interested in Poser?
I'm not really a Poser creator, I just consider myself a hobbyist. I used to create 5 to 7 published pictures per week till a few years ago, a kind of therapy lol (and 100% pleasure of course). Now that I feel largely better, I create far fewer pictures but publish even less (too much A.I. stuff on line, so that people are getting slowly sick or at least less interested).
Note that I started using Poser 3, because, well, I was using Bryce 3D, got to really love the 3D world, but I was missing humans...

For the hazy look: once again I got inspired by a thread on fog, and I ended up buying a collection of smoke objects.
For the rest of the scene, I updated to Cycles the material of each object. I'm doing this all the time, for practically everything.
My way of working with Poser may be different from the others. My skin material, for example, is always black (white before), when the preview is set to Superfly. But I don't mind as using my big toolbox, I switch to Firefly, each skin keeping a compound node named EZskin for the Firefly mode (I know that I could optimize...)

My advice for big scenes: create many small scenes, and assemble them afterward. Prepare the characters first, and assemble them then.
For example, in my workflow, I have a basic but complete human skin setup for my Sasha16s, and I drag-drop the bitmaps onto the corresponding nodes. This process is relatively fast if Poser isn't overloaded with many things.
One thing that let me go faster: I've collected an overtime series of ready-to-use nodes collections:

Overall, I mainly work with Sasha16's because it's one of the best Vic4 that I've used, and there's so many complementary morphs for this character. I developed a complete toolbox to ease the different stages (copy the mat to other parts, setup the lights, change the input parameters of my skin setup, etc..)
As I've been a developer during my whole life, creating this toolbox has been a huge pleasure.