With Poser 13’s release around the corner, we would like to share some more details about this upcoming release. As briefly mentioned in the past, Poser 13’s downloadable installer is smaller than those of previous versions.
While this may look like a small change, we think it is an important one. Poser is used by a wide variety of people around the world, and not all of them have access to high-speed internet connections. While a full download of Poser 12’s installer could take just a few seconds or minutes for some users, it may take hours for others. To achieve this, Poser 13’s installer will ship with just basic content, such as a basic posable figure, primitives, sample light setups, and such.
Of course, your purchase of Poser 13 will give you access to all the other content, including legacy content. This content will be available to download directly from the Poser interface, in a pane next to the Poser Library pane. Poser’s entire content library is huge, over 20Gb in size, so it is important to give users options, so they don’t have to download the entire library.

As you may have seen in “The Various Faces of Poser”, Poser is used by a wide variety of people, for a wide variety of purposes. On top of that, some users may also have limited space on their computers. This means different types of users require different types of content. With this in mind, we will be making the Poser library available as different content packs. These content packs will be grouped according to the content type, such as figures, clothing, environment, etc., so users can choose what content they need.
The changes we are making to Poser 13’s content library will also touch on other changes we have made to Poser in general, like the update to the software’s SuperFly renderer, Walk Designer and Talk Designer. However, that’s a story for another time!
Are you excited about Poser 13? What are you looking forward to the most? Share your thoughts in the Poser forums!