By: Cybertenko
This is a complete bundle set of the following products:
Goat Castle - The Gatehouse
Goat Castle - The Bailey
Goat Castle - Granary and Outer Walls
Goat Castle - The Keep
What is included:
Castle Gate
Access Bridge
Servant quarters
Castle Kitchen
Chicken Coop
Castle Well
Bailey Walls
Outer Wall with two stariways
Walkway bridge to Keep
Zwinger Walls Norh and South
Castle Grounds
Moat Waters
Drawbridges for Gate and Keep in Up or Down positions
Gates can be opened, Keep Grate can be raised
PBR and specular for most metallic parts
Light up or dark windows for keep
Additional prop collection preset for loading the whole castle with a single click.
Up to 8kx8k (terrain) and 4kx4k (buildings) textures suitable for closeups, Unpacked Runtime Size: 700 MB.
suitable for animations. Historical Reconstruction.
Goat Castle (Kozí Hrádek) is a ruin of a Gothic castle in Southern Bohemia (CZ) near the city Tábor. It is located on a promontory on the left bank of the Kozský creek at an altitude of about 405 m. It has been protected as a Czech national cultural monument due to its connection with the life of the Church reformer Jan Hus who had found refuge here.
The first mention of Kozí Hrádek dates back to 1377 when it was held by Vlček of Kozi. It was later acquired by Jan of Hardek, Jindřich of Hradec in 1391 and Vilém of Újezd from 1406.His sons Jan and Ctibor from Kozi invited the preacher and reformer Master Jan Hus, who stayed here in the autumn of 1412 and from spring 1413 to spring 1414.Jan Hus preached in the castle and in his surroundings, he worked on his works. He finished his important Postil here and wrote, for example, the tracts about The Sanctuary, The Church, or The Six Delusions. On July 15, 1414, he left for the Krakovec Castle in Rakovník, from where he traveled to Constance in October, where he was burned to death on July 6, 1415.
In 1438 the castle burned down probably during the Albrecht II Of Habsburg military campaign and was never restored.